Public Policy Experts Engage in Panel Discussion on Threat Posed by China to American, Indian Economies


A who’s who list of public policy experts on Saturday expounded upon the “unrestricted warfare” that has been waged for decades by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) against American electronics and other manufacturers and the importance of India’s help in fighting this threat.

The National Indian American Public Policy Institute and the Committee on the Present Danger: China (CPDC) hosted the public event, forum and panel discussion Saturday afternoon at The Rana-Reagan Community Center in Carol Stream, Illinois, according to a press release.

One of the panelists, Steve Bannon, former strategic advisor to President Donald Trump, provided The Tennessee Star an exclusive quote Saturday concerning the panel discussion.

“It’s a great honor to address the Republican Hindu Coalition on the most vital issue facing America — the economic war China is engaged in against the industrial democratic West,” he said. “Few have felt the brunt of this more than the entrepreneurs of the Hindu American community as the manufacturing base was shipped to China. Today marks the beginning of an effort to reverse this.”

Video coverage of the event is available here.

Shalabh “Shalli” Kumar, founding chairman of the AVG Group of Companies of Chicago, an electronics inventor and a manufacturing expert with 50 years of experience, former member of President Ronald Reagan’s Business Advisory Council and also the founder of the National Indian American Public Policy Institute, served as host.

In front of an estimated crowd of 1,000-plus Hindu-Americans and others in the Chicagoland area, panelists discussed the CCP’s economic threat against American and India and the importance of India under the leadership of newly reelected Prime Minister Narendra Modi in fighting this threat.

The panel of business leaders included past and present senior legislators, subject matter experts and experienced executives in America. In addition to Bannon, the panelists included Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (by video), Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT-02), Lt. Gen. Steve Kwast, USAF, and others who are involved with the CPDC’s efforts to raise public awareness and encourage official action aimed at countering such Chinese predations.

The panel discussion came a week before President Donald Trump’s meeting with Chinese dictator Xi Jinping. The panel aimed to expose the character and devastating effects of the CCP’s long-running economic warfare against the United States. CPDC also premiered a video addressing China’s premeditated assault and take-down of American manufacturing, what and how it happened, and how to fight back.

Founded in 2012, the National Indian American Public Policy Institute (NIAPPI) was inspired by efforts dating back to the 1980s to promote individuals and causes important to a strong Indo-American partnership. NIAPPI conducts research and educational activities.

The Committee on the Present Danger: China was launched in March 2019 by a diverse group of experts on China, national security practitioners, human rights and religious freedom activists to help defend America through public education and advocacy against the full array of conventional and non-conventional dangers posed by the People’s Republic of China.

Since launching in March, the CPDC has sought to raise awareness of the threat posed by the CCP through a series of forums, starting in April, according to Center for Security Policy.

The center quoted Bannon, one of the April speakers, as saying:

“The Trump Revolution started with a reaction among the American people, particularly the working class in the middle class, believing that America was in decline” and Americans recognized threats to our republic, including that of Communist China.  He said, “The Chinese people are among the most noble people that have ever walked the earth and they have been oppressed and abused for a millennium and are now under a ‘new emperor’ – a radical cadre of the CCP.”

Bannon was involved in relaunching CPDC, a decades-old organization that had laid inactive after having battled Cold War-era communism, according to Inkstone.

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.
Photo “Steve Bannon” by Ghanshyam Patel.



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